I'm not confused. I'm just well mixed. - Robert Frost

Thursday, September 30, 2010

F* off

Dear Habit,

I fucking hate you.

You've wasted my time. You've drowned my spirit. You're trampled my self-esteem.

You make me feel ugly, unhappy, miserable to say the least.

Why won't you go away and leave me to be the person who overcomes such petty emotions?

Leave me the fuck alone.

Monday, September 6, 2010

a letter to habit

Dear Habit,
I don’t even notice you anymore. And I apologize. Your presence gives me some kind of subconscious comfort though, and I guess I should thank you for that. However, your constant existence in my world has taken on, maybe just a slight, destructive hold on me.

Hold on, lets be real, it’s more then slight. And it’s becoming apparent that I need to be better without you. You’ve been my safe ‘go-to’ place for so long, that I’ve become stuck with you. It’ll be scary, and ill probably come back a few times, please don’t take it personally when Ill leave you again., though. Because I will.

So thanks.. for being there. But at this point, if I don’t, can’t, appreciate you anymore, I’d say its time to part ways then. So I can grow on alone, and make room for other habits, that I can learn to love and appreciate the way I once did you.

Love, ..always

A Letter to Habit...

Dear Habit,

We've been together awhile now and..
you see...
it's not you, it's me.
You're doing things exactly right.
Got me to do it again last night.
But I've got to go
I've got to grow
And you can't hold me down


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Letter to Habit...

Dear Habit:

It took me a few minutes to recognize you. The brightness in your eyes for which i once chose to incorporate you into my life no longer lives there. Your face is lined with indifference and monotony. The burden held in your face is an image branded into my my mind after seeing it pre and post each of my days confined to the cubicle where i'm supposed to make my mark in this world. Where I am literally a box among boxes and the only way to differentiate is to wear something outside of black, white or gray. So much of the same nauseates me. The rules and political correctness it all is suffocating my soul.

Only this time I can see myself.

I know how you feel about me. While I love the idea of you, the security, the things I used to love, my expectations have changed. I've grown. I think you'd be best fit for someone new.


Some girl growing into herself